
We’d love to hear how you got on with Milk Relief Soap™ and Kawakawa Skincare Stick

Reviews of Goat Milk Soap NZ
Prudence our original herd queen would love to know what you think about Milk Relief Soap™

Megan Taylor, NZ

Could you do us a favour? Here at Milk Relief Soap™, Prudence, our herd queen would love to know what you think about Milk Relief Soap™. If you like Milk Relief Soap™, giving a testimonial/feedback is a great way to spread the word so that others like you may be able to benefit from it as well.

What others have thought about Milk Relief Soap™

Hello Prudence!

Thank you for your beautiful milk, and I hope you give your human parents a little head butt for their help in turning it into the most gorgeous soap. It has helped my skin problems so much and I love using it. I even wash my face with it and love how my skin doesn’t tingle afterwards. I am so happy to have found you and send you happy blessings.

Chris Bone – Canterbury, New Zealand

It must be so natural he sees it as food rather than a soap!

“We have been using your palm oil free soap for a couple of months now and absolutely love it! Problem is we are not the only ones. Our beagle Jimmy loves it as well…. to eat!! It must be so natural he sees it as food rather than a soap! At least his breath smells clean hehehe

Thank you for creating such an amazing product for the whole family xxx”

Goat Milk Soap NZ fan, Jimmy The Beagle
The Tabor family, Pokeno, Waikato, New Zealand

My soap search is finally over.

I really wanted to try Milk Relief Soap™, as I was having trouble finding something mild, perfume free & without palm oil etc.

So when I was directed to the old soap ingredients description page, I was still unhappy about the sustainable source palm oil they were using at the time, as it would have been initially planted in cleared forest. The problem is, the more is wanted, the more it encourages people to clear the forest. So I told Milk Relief Soap™ , “I will carry on in my search for an earth friendly soap.”

I also told them the plain sad truth. “I have been looking for a good soap for years.” And that was enough to jolt them into action! They made a brand new formula with the Orang-utans in mind.

Better still, I’ve used it on my skin with psoriasis, and it is not as itchy. In fact, weeks later my skin feels great. So I tried it on my hair for a shampoo, and my hair became softer and less spikey. I will be in touch to order more fabulous soap in the future.

Here is a 3 day progress report on the use of my new soap:
The first day it made my skin feel squeaky—like when you have washed your hair with shampoo that has stripped it of oil. However, my skin felt OK when I’d dried, it has been OK since & the psoriasis isn’t so itchy. I reckon the squeaky feeling was because I’d washed off a build up from my usual nonsoap wash, an organic Bath & Shower Gel – the shower never really needed cleaning, as no scum built up. Can’t say that your soap has caused a build up either, so that’s a bonus too.

And a progress report when half a bar of “All-In-One” was used up.
Just thought I’d let you know that the first bar of soap has just finished—it’s been quite a few weeks & my skin is feeling great.

My soap search is finally over.

P.S. I found that it took a couple of months to reap the real benefits, i.e. 2 bars. Cheers, Marion

Reviews | GOAT MILK SOAP NZ | Marion Preston

Marion Preston
Healthcare Professional
Blenheim, New Zealand

I was ready to give up finding a natural soap

“I got to the stage where I was determined to find a natural soap without chemicals for my son that wouldn’t break him out in eczema.”

Natural Care For Eczema and Psoriasis

I got to the stage where I was determined to find a natural soap without chemicals for my son that wouldn’t break him out in eczema. I’ve tried soaps world famous for their gentleness on the skin. Famous olive oil, castile, and goat milk soaps. Every one of them caused me to itch with a rash from head to toe.

Everything broke me out on the skin

While waiting for my order to arrive I purchased another goats milk soap in the States which came in 3 days. Although it had very pure ingredients (olive oil and goat milk) it caused little circular eczema patches on my skin, and my left arm. My biggest frustration in my search for a natural soap was that everything broke me out on the skin.

I am very impressed with how it doesn’t irritate mine, or my sons skin.

Milk Relief Soap™ is great! Your soap is so gentle I can use it on my face, and as shampoo on my son. It was the first time he didn’t scream that soap was in his eyes. With every other shampoo or soap (even after its been rinsed ) it still gets in his eyes when the water streams down his face even though I thought I had rinsed him clean? It’s a constant battle washing his hair, and look forward to tearless shampooing.

Sarah B.
Mclean, VA, USA

I have never paid so much for bars of soap before

“I have never paid so much for bars of soap before. I felt it was worth it though, when I considered the ingredients are all natural, the soaps last longer than the average soap on the market, the cost per bar is reasonable and I received 4. I was amazed with the cost of the post and packaging, I am on the other side of the world and I thought it would cost a fortune but it was cheaper than a lot of companies charge within the UK! I placed my order on the Wednesday and the soaps popped through my letter box the next Wednesday; there had been Easter bank holiday in between!”

“I did find the smell of the soaps a bit unusual to start with but I love it now, it is refreshing. I thought the design was great with the embossed picture on the front of the soaps and they were a good size. When I wash my hands with it, I only need a little and it leaves my hands smooth and moisturised. It seems to be nourishing my finger nails too. I have very long hair, so I have decided not to use it on my hair but I wash my face and the rest of me with the soap and my skin loves it! All my queries were answered thoroughly and very promptly. Thank you very much everybody including the goats at Milk Relief Soap™!!”

Justine Duffy, United Kingdom

It can be difficult to find soaps that don’t cause some kind of adverse reaction.

“Great soap. As someone who has allergies and chemical sensitivities, it can be difficult to find soaps that don’t cause some kind of adverse reaction. Your Milk Relief Soap offers a pure, natural and allergen-free alternative to a market filled with heavily perfumed and chemically altered soaps. Thanks for a great product!”

Goat Milk Soap NZ | Milk Relief Soap Tom Tiernan

Tom Tiernan, Oregon, USA

I was so dry with my other “stuff”, even the soap the dermatologist recommended

Milk Relief Soap is now my favorite way to clean up I decided to write to Prudence in
the best way I know how…

Dear Prudence, I just wanted to say
Dear Prudence, I got my bars today
My bodys grosse, the showers hot
Your soap smells nice, but I do not
Dear Prudence, I just wanted to say

Dear Prudence, this really opened my eyes
Dear Prudence, no perfumes, chemicals or dyes
I’ll shower all day, I think I’d rather
This soap has such amazing lather
Dear Prudence, thanks for opening up my eyes

I’ve looked around round round
I’ve looked around round round
I’ve looked around

Dear Prudence, your milk makes me smile
Dear Prudence, I used to use Dial
This soaps the BEST, I’ll buy again
Milk Relief Soap, where HAVE you been?
Dear Prudence, your milk really makes me smile

Dear Prudence, I just wanted to say
Dear Prudence , I got my bars today
No longer grosse, I’m squeaky clean
My skin and hair are so pristine
Dear Prudence, I just wanted to say…

Thanks a lot guys, obviously I REALLY LOVE this soap!!!

I have used it for about a week now and there is nothing like it. I was so dry with
my other “stuff”, even the soap the dermatologist recommended. I use
it on my hair too which is blond and delicate and now it feels

My scalp was itchy and now it feels great. I am telling all
my friends in Michigan (and abroad). Good job!

Lisa Scharbat, MI, USA
P.S. Hugs to Prudence and the “kids”

I have worked in the perfumery industry and I know what ingredients go into regular soap.

At first the price of the soap seemed expensive. But this is what I found as a result of using Milk Relief Soap™. My skin felt much softer.

I first used the soap only on my face and my skin felt softer. I then decided to try it on my body, too. My skin feels so much better. It is softer and smoother.

If I had to choose one or two features I like most about Milk Relief Soap™, theywould be natural ingredients and no bad smell. Why? I have worked in the perfumery industry and I know what ingredients go into regular soap. There are way too many things that I really don’t need on my skin. Yes, I know lather is good…but at a price to your skin.

I was looking for a soap without perfume and no bad smell. There are many natural soaps out there but most have perfume.

What I like best about this soap is that it has olive oil, no fragrance, no colour and still smells good and it does lather.

In addition to those things, what I also like about this soap is:

– All natural ingredients
– The packaging is simple and nice

I would recommend Milk Relief Soap™and this is why:

I would recommend this soap to people who are concerned with what goes on their body. And those who would like a natural soap that doesn’t smell or rose, lavender or some citrus fragrance. This is a soap that makes your skin feel clean without the drying effect or the extra moisturising feeling of regular soaps. Your skin feels just right.

Goat milk Soap NZ | Renuka Menon

Renuka Menon, Auckland, New Zealand

I love the rich, silky lather. It makes me feel like I’m pampering my skin.

First of all, I loved the packaging. It looked beautiful, and I could recycle or compost it, instead of adding more plastic to my recycling bin.

Milk Relief Soap™ is truly a relief. It does not bother my allergies like many other products I’ve tried. Even so-called unscented products often have strong chemical scents. Milk Relief Soap™has virtually no scent at all. And when I got it in my eyes, I found it barely more irritating than water.

I love the rich, silky lather. It makes me feel like I’m pampering my skin. I would definitely recommend Milk Relief Soap™ to anyone that wants a gentle, natural soap.

After using this soap, I had another look at the website, and I was reminded that like other people, I have a list of things I look for in a soap. It’s important to me that what I put on my skin does not have sodium laurel sulphate or parabens.

So I was pleased when I noticed that Milk Relief Soap™ did not have either of them. It is another cause for feeling relieved. I truly love the soap. And lastly, I was impressed with how it lathered for hair too.

Goat Milk Soap NZ | Milk Relief Soap | Melanie McIntosh

Melanie McIntosh, Vancouver, Canada

A balance between soft and cleansing.

My first impression using the soap was that it had a really soft texture. It was very cleansing but it wasn’t like pulling everything out of my skin. You know it was a nice balance between soft and cleansing. My wife liked the soap as well. She said it reminded her of an olive oil soap she had used in the past and having that similar softness and cleansing combined.

Goat Milk Soap NZ | Milk Relief Soap | Greg Lee

Greg Lee, Frederick, MD, USA

“How can soap be moisturizing? There’s just no way!”

Marina: “The main obstacle that would have stopped me from buying this soap in the first place was that. I really didn’t believe that it did what it promised to do. By that I mean, so many times you hear, “great super smooth” or “simple” and all kinds of different things…

Unscented – I suppose it’s easy to believe. But then there’s also unscented soap that smells weird like, not fresh and clean but just weird. So when you said, “it doesn’t smell weird,” I thought I’m going to have to see if it’s true. When you said, “it’s going to be very good for your skin,” having had so much trouble with soap in the past, it was very hard to believe.

There is one other thing – a third thing I know it goes together with the mildness but also you made a claim on “moisturizing” at some point – I read that. And to me, it was also an oxymoron. I’m thinking, “How can soap be moisturizing? There’s just no way!”

So when the soap arrived…

Well, I was very surprised. From the packaging – I opened it; it was simple, it was earth friendly, it was…I mean “pure” is the word I can think of. That was just the packaging. Then I opened it and saw the image of the goats on it. I was actually very excited about it – I mean I don’t know why but I was just so excited to see that cute picture. It was just incredibly touching for me.

Then I couldn’t wait to try it to see if it was…oh well, of course then at that point I noticed that it didn’t have an offensive scent as other soaps do. I also noticed that it actually smelled fresh. It smelled natural.

It smelled like what it’s got in it. You know, it actually smelled a bit like milk. Just a little touch of it and that’s that. So it was a very nice surprise that it didn’t smell strange. Then I had a chance to try it.

And when I tried it…

I have to say it was a little surprising because I haven’t used soap in a long time. Ah, that sounds a little extreme but you know I’ve had to use face wash like “super sensitive face wash”; that’s what I have had to use to clean myself because it was the only thing my body would not react strongly to.

So using soap was a bit of a surprise, and I love the way that it lathers! The lather just seems so creamy and it really feels luxurious.

I could just really feel that it was nice. It envelopes you; it’s just really nice.

When I finished…

I noticed I had forgotten to put lotion on! Now in the winter time, the weather is so dry that if I don’t use lotion, my skin is completely cracked. You can see my legs and my arms are just white — that’s how dry things are. And what I noticed was that it wasn’t the case. Now I couldn’t say I was beautifully moisturized as if I were on the beach but I wasn’t cracked up. So my skin wasn’t white. And I wasn’t super itchy either so that was nice.

I tried using Milk Relief Soap™for a while and that was still the case. You know I’ve never reacted to it and I never got anything, um, uncomfortable from it, like what I can get from other soaps. The soap so far – I’ve used it probably coming up to 3-4 weeks maybe and it still smells fresh so it hasn’t gone rancid or anything like that.

Cleaner than before.
Ah, and I have to say one of the pleasant surprises even more so than anything I didn’t even expect was that I realized that my face wash didn’t clean as much as I thought it did.

I remember you said at one point that you could wash a mechanic’s hands with this soap, and I thought, “What do I care? I’m not a mechanic. I’m not that dirty.” So I thought the cleanliness is not really what I’m after. I’m already clean you know, but then I noticed, “oh this really cleans!

A couple of key features for me are:

Well obviously that I can use it. That it’s mild enough that I can use it that I don’t react to it. That’s probably it. The moisturizing aspect to it. The natural/organic/unscented so I guess it all goes into “natural” maybe?

“Oh, I love soap!” – it just sounds ridiculous.
And I can’t get over that image of the goats! I just love it. This is funny – I never thought I’d love a soap. I mean it just sounds funny. “Oh, I love soap” – it just sounds ridiculous. But I do! Every time I think of it, I just smile. I think this [soap] is clean, smells great, and feels luxurious. I look forward to using it in the morning.

Like I’m thinking, “Oh I have my soap!” And then there’s a really sad thing when I think of it – I think of that image of the goats which is just beautiful. It’s so different from any other soaps out there that might be – like fancy from a fancy store and potentially organic and natural and unscented and whatever, but it’s just – you open it and it’s just SQUARE! [“All-In-One” shape] And it’s soap, and it’s just SOAP! This one thought just makes me smile. I really just like it.

And I have to say I am so disappointed that the goats fade away. You use it – by the third or fourth time, it’s like, “my image is gone!”

Interviewer: Someone said to his wife, “What you need to do is to use the soap on the under side only.”

Marina: I know I’ve tried that. It still goes away too fast!

Why I’d recommend this soap to others.

I would absolutely recommend it because it’s natural, because it’s luxurious, because it’s beautiful, and if somebody wanted to ask me “what should I give as a gift to so and so?” I would probably say, “why don’t you give them one of these soaps because they’re just really good!” Especially it occurred to me I would give the soap as newborn presents because I remember when Chase was born, I didn’t want to put anything on him, not even water; I wanted to put only purified water. I mean, I know it sounds ridiculous but that’s how I felt and so the thought of having to put God knows what on him was like, “what am I doing?” So having a soap like this, so natural and scented mild and cleansing! Newborns get dirty when they want to! You know I definitely recommend it for something like that or for people like me who are very sensitive to soap.

Thank you!

This is ridiculous to say this but Milk Relief Soap™ has changed my life! It really has, like I look forward to using this soap, like I feel clean afterward, like “oh, this is so nice!” It’s a pleasure to use it!

A satisfied Milk Relief Soap™ customer

Marina Brito
DC Metro Area, USA
(Highlights of an interview with Marina in 2009)

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Find out how you can get Milk Relief Soap™ by clicking on the red button below.

Goat Milk Soap NZ | Milk Relief Soap | Click for more details