Oxford New Zealand plays an important role in the development of Milk Relief Soap™. Years after the Darfield earthquake we thought about getting more land.
So we moved our Goat Milk farm to Depot Road from Homebush in Darfield. We made the “Bradie Bunch” decision while living in Darfield.

Later, while in Oxford, we had the inspiration for the Lano ReliefSkincare Stick™. We lived near the corner of Kerikeri Road, and Depot Road.
We have always strived to be a farm to consumer business. But another development which happened while in Oxford was developing a relationship with Emmas At Oxford.
We are very grateful that Emma Gillard agreed to stock our Goat Milk Soap at her famous shop https://emmasatoxford.com/ based at the old Oxford Salvation Army Citadel. For a long time, it was one of the few shops that sold our soap.
All of that is just an aside. Read below to see an important question.
Does Goat Milk Soap Offer Dry Skin Sufferers Hope?
In North Canterbury, and places like Oxford, dry skin is a common problem, and a common solution is to layer the skin with man-made products from a factory. An alternative is Goat Milk Soap. But many of them are wrapped in plastic and contain scent. Ours is boxed in a beautiful stiff paper cardboard box, and we have absolutely no scent added to protect those whose skin reacts to scented soap.
To find out more about our products click on the link below and you will be taken to the Goat Milk Soap NZ page. It has more about us, and important links to the products where you can see prices, and the details you may wish to consider.